mardi 28 octobre 2014

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As-it-happens update October 28, 2014
CTV News
Lawyers argue over whether Conrad Black is a risk to Ontario's capital markets
Staff for the Ontario Securities Commission told a hearing that the former Hollinger executive's fraud conviction in a U.S. trial should mean he's "out of ...
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Wall Street Journal (blog)
How to Make Your Money Last for a Longer Lifetime
Longer life expectancies are ratcheting up the pressure on retirees to make their money last as long as they do. New mortality estimates by the ...
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Sergei Lupashin: A flying camera ... on a leash
Let's admit it: aerial photo drones and UAVs are a little creepy, and they come with big regulatory and safety problems. But aerial photos can be a ...
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Organic code reviews for a billion-dollar order system
In a move that genuinely surprised me, the team behind the Atlassian ordering system adopted peer code reviews in a purely organic manner.
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Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems
How long might fertility reduction take to make a meaningful impact? We examined various scenarios for global human population change to the year ...
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What Happens When a GoPro Is Attached to a Whiskey Handle at a
A guest at the celebration attached a GoPro to a bottle of Fireball whiskey, unscrewed the cap, took a sip, and passed it on—until it was all gone.
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